By Richard Arneson

Like it or not, we’re living in a video-intensive world. How often do you really see people peering into a real, honest-to-goodness book, one with pages, ink, and coffee stains? Sure, we may be taking in most, if not all, of our reading content via a computer, tablet, or smart phone, but think about those devices for a moment. What do you also see a lot of? Yep, video, and there’s a reason why you’re seeing more and more of it—it works really well, especially if you’re looking to enhance your company’s SEO, email, social, engagement, and revenue-generating efforts.

Video content is great in today’s world where we’re being bombarded by snippets of information. Videos can quickly get the point across and be delivered in nice little bite-sized nuggets of info. Who doesn’t have time for that? Here’s another thing that’s also great about video content—you can measure it.

Countless studies have proven that almost 70% of people learn better visually. So, why wouldn’t you want to produce more video content? Check out what it can do for your digital marketing efforts.

For emails and social media

If you’re searching for better open and click rates for your email campaigns, video can help in a big way. Just including the word “video” in the subject line gets 20% higher open rates, 65% high click-through rates, and 25% fewer unsubscribes. And according to marketing news publisher MarTech Advisor, click rates can go up by as much as 300% if a video is included in the email. On social media, a video generates over 1,200% more shares than text-only content.


Video can be a boon to your SEO efforts. Remember, you want visitors to stay on your site as long as possible, and video is a great way to keep them there. On average, website visitors spend almost 90% more time on a site if it has video.

According to research firm Forrester, websites that use video are 53 times more likely to show up on page 1 search results and enjoy over 40% more traffic than sites that don’t.

According to research SaaS marketing company Moz, embedding video on a page nearly triples the number of domains that, as a result, link to your site. Remember, the algorithms like links, both internal and external.

For your bottom line

According to research from intent-based marketing company Aberdeen Group, companies that use video see their revenue grow 49% faster than those that don’t and have 27% higher CTRs (click through rates) and 34% higher conversion rates.

According to Forbes, 90% of consumers say watching a video helps them make a buying decision.

A study by Animoto, a cloud-based video creation company, found that 64% of consumers say that watching a video makes them more likely to make a purchase.

HighIQ, Thomson Reuters company, found that over 75% of senior executives watch work-related videos each week and over 50% share them.

Questions about how to make a great, impactful company video?

Talk to the highly experienced professionals at d2 Designs. d2 is the most innovative digital marketing agency in D/FW. We create, execute, and manage multi-marketing solutions for customers with a focus on brand engagement that optimizes the digital experience through traditional media, video production, social media, lead gen and key analytics, and e-commerce and experiential events. Check us out at d2.designs, or email us at And please follow us via social media for more great, informative digital marketing tips and suggestions.

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