Social Media Advertising―should you or shouldn’t you?

Trying to decide on whether to use social media advertising? Let’s cut to the chase with some good, hard stats. They were compiled from numerous studies conducted by 5 noted marketing research firms.

keywords are intrinsically linked to SEO (Search Engine Optimization), which is, if done well, how people, hopefully your future customers, can find your website.
What is Marketing Automation?

Marketing Automation combines strategies related to campaigns, social media, landing pages, blogs, analytics, paid ads, paid search, et al., and, when they’re synced up and pushing results into your company’s CRM of choice, greatly enhances marketing efforts.
Check for these prior to signing a contract with a digital marketing agency

If you’ve decided that you’re not a marketer or simply don’t have time for it, you may have decided it’s time to outsource your digital marketing efforts.
Attract New Customers Through Online Listings Management

Let’s pretend for a second that you have the greatest website known to man. Madison Avenue ad agencies would kill to create one like it for their clients. It’s the Citizen Kane of websites. Your employees love it, your family raves about it, your customers can’t stop complimenting you on it, and it’s the only […]
What is SEO?

Let’s say you’re going to throw a party and are putting together the invitation. Along with date and time, what MUST be included? The location, right? I mean, you do want people to show up. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is like the address on an invitation. It allows those searching for you online to find […]
How to Manage your Company’s Online Reviews

Do you may think online reviews are only important when it comes to tangible items (appliances, cars) or trades (electricians, exterminators). If so, think again. And consider the following data concerning the importance of online reviews: 90% of consumers say they read online reviews prior to contacting a business, Almost 90% of consumers say they […]
Four Steps to consider prior to ‘successfully’ advertising on Facebook

Gone are the days when Facebook was used solely for reconnecting with old friends and trying to make them jealous about your fabulous life and otherworldly success (kidding, of course). Now it’s far more than that, especially in the business world. Facebook is projected to earn close to $100 billion in advertising revenue in 2020. […]
Tips on how to make a great corporate video

Making an outstanding corporate video may not land you on any red carpets posing for pics in an Armani suit or Versace dress, but they can be super effective in greatly enhancing a marketing strategy.
E-mail marketing is alive and well…and profitable. But you’ve got to do it right, and legally

Email marketing isn’t dead. In fact, it’s growing, and why wouldn’t it. According to research conducted by the Direct Marketing Association, its return on investment is astounding. They found that for every $1 spent on email marketing, the return, on average, is $32. Spend a buck, get 32 back. Not bad. Let’s face it, email […]